The Rias


With 1,650 kilometres of coastline, the 16 rías are home to more than 700 fine sand beaches on which to rest, bathe, play sports or sail.

Cape Fisterra divides them into the Rías Altas [Upper Rías] and Rías Baixas [Lower Rías], which correspond to Northern and Southern Galicia. The former are known for their stunning landscapes, replete with steep cliffs, while the more temperate climate of the south turns the latter into a highly popular vacation destination each summer.

The Ribadeo ría is the most Eastern and connects Galicia with Asturias. The richness of its wetlands makes it possible for a wide variety of fauna to call it home. The Rías of Foz and Viveiro also run through Lugo's Mariña region.

It is the A Coruña province with the greatest number of rías, eleven to be precise. Some are presided over by imposing capes like the Estaca de Bares and Ortegal, on the opposite ends of the O Barqueiro and Ortigueira rías.

The Ferrol, Ares, Betanzos and A Coruña rías, with fine sand beaches and tranquil waters ideal for family vacations and water sports like sailing and surfing, are part of the Golfo Ártabro.

Along the Costa da Morte are the Corme e Laxe, Camariñas, and Corcubión rías. Their striking maritime landscape looks as if they were sculpted by the force of the Atlantic Ocean, which batters the cliffs incessantly during the winter storms.

The Rías Baixas are known for their mild climate and for being a coveted tourist destination during the summer for anyone looking to enjoy the good life. You will be astounded by the beaches along the Muros e Noia ría.

And in the Arousa ría, you will find numerous fishing grounds, where you will primarily see women working. Meanwhile, the Vigo ría is characterised by the hundreds of punts that float across its waters. It also provides access to the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park and the opportunity to hear legends on sunken galleons filled with gold that lie on its floor.


Easy Galicia SLP ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar el uso y la calidad de las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones y el acceso a las mismas y gracias al que ha podido optimizar su  sistema de ventas y gestión de reservas para incrementar sus ventas y mejorar su productividad. La acción ha tenido lugar en el año 2017 y para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa TicCámaras  de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago de Compostela.”   

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